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Associate Attorneys

Associate Attorneys

What can associate attorneys at Gislason & Hunter expect?

Compensation & Benefits

We want the best and brightest to work alongside us. To make that happen, we lead the local market on compensation. Currently, our starting salary in Mankato and New Ulm is $95,000.00. We also offer the following benefits to all associate attorneys:

  • 401(k) and Profit Sharing (with a long-standing history of providing all employees with a profit-sharing contribution to their retirement accounts in an amount equal to 7.5% of salary.)
  • Year-end bonuses, both objective and subjective, dependent on meeting certain billable hour thresholds and for exceptional contributions to the firm, such as developing new client relationships, bringing in significant cases, or other efforts which enhance the firm’s overall success or reputation.
  • Medical, Dental, and Life insurance
  • Long-term and Short-term disability benefits
  • Associate Pregnancy & Parenting Leave allows for up to 12 weeks of paid leave for the pregnancy, birth or adoption of a child
  • Paid time off (PTO) and holidays
  • Flexible work arrangements, including work-from-home and remote work opportunities based on the needs of clients and the firm (currently, several partners and staff work remotely the majority of the time)
  • Annual individual marketing budget to promote your business, practice, and career
  • Free parking (definitely a benefit of working in a smaller community)
  • Firm-related travel reimbursement and mileage
  • Firm-paid bar admission and associated membership and related dues and fees
  • Firm-sponsored leadership training
  • Firm-paid CLEs, including the opportunity to attend trial school and other high-end training programs.
  • The ability to focus your career on your own passion that helps to get you there, along with the ability to handle a high level of responsibility and independence
  • Casual dress most days
  • Monthly lunch & learns where partners and outside attorneys teach various topics of interest
  • Firm events, parties, an annual attorney weekend retreat in September, and numerous other firm outings and team-building events, such as happy hours and “early out” Fridays.
  • Associate Education Events, Training, and Materials
  • An annual associate outing
  • A designated legal assistant, paralegal, and mentor—along with regular, meaningful feedback and evaluations
  • Snacks and beverages

Work/Life Balance

We expect a minimum of 1600 billable hours annually on client matters. This gives our associates time to have a life outside the office as well as use their time and talent on marketing and community matters important to them. Our culture is non-hierarchical. We value those who are team players and treat our associates as valued and important members of the organization.

Partnership Track

Our partnership track is generally five to seven years, depending on factors such as years of practice, contributions to the firm, productivity, and business generation. Most of our partners have been with Gislason & Hunter their entire careers. 100% of our partners were associates at the firm before being elevated to partner. We like to grow and promote our own talent.

Pro Bono

Practicing law is a privilege. We relish the opportunity to give back. Our attorneys have handled a multitude of pro bono matters ranging from simple wills to first responders to full-blown complex litigation and everything in between. We do not require any minimum (or maximum) amount of pro bono service, but our attorneys all give back to the Mankato and New Ulm communities in one way or another.

Community Involvement

One of the really exciting benefits of working at Gislason & Hunter We have numerous opportunities to become involved. Our partners and professional staff will assist you in finding the right community activities to fit your interests and goals.


If you are interested in joining a sophisticated Mankato and New Ulm law firm with an exceptional platform to grow and advance your career, please send your resume, cover letter, and law school transcript to careers@gislason.com. We are always looking for high quality candidates to join our exceptional team of attorneys and staff.