
TVT Surgical Procedure

July 2, 2018

Hennepin County, Minnesota
Court File No. 27-CV-16-11946

Claims asserted: the patient underwent a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) surgical procedure. In litigation the plaintiff asserted the following: (1) the surgeon who performed the TVT procedure lacked the requisite experience violating the standard of care; (2) the surgeon failed to provide appropriate informed consent about the TVT procedure; (3) the surgeon failed to offer a less risky operation in light of the patient’s past medical history; (4) inadequate surgical technique that violated the standard of care resulting in a bowel perforation; (5) inadequate postoperative care and treatment to the patient; and (6) a failure to timely diagnose and treat the postoperative bowel perforation. Outcome: Defense verdict, December 2017.