
The Value of Expert Witness in Divorce

February 13, 2013

Many time, a significant discussion needs to occur early on in a divorce case about the possible benefits of securing expert witnesses to help with the divorce.

In divorce cases, the expert witnesses needed may vary.  Expert witnesses can include real estate appraisers, forensic accountants, business evaluation experts, and vocational experts, among many others. Many clients want to hold off on retaining expert witnesses and try and settle a case without them in order to avoid the cost. Sometimes that works; however, in a lot of divorces–especially those involving complex assets, significant income, or a high net worth–that is not the right move. This is because expert witnesses add value. They help the attorneys prepare for temporary motion hearings and settlement discussions. They narrow down the issues and can provide credible expertise and testimony to a case.

Instead of thinking of an expert witness as a cost, think of an expert witness as someone who can add value to your case.

This information is general in nature and should not be construed as tax or legal advice.